Saturday, April 18, 2015

April 2015

This Month's Photograph

I began making panoramic photographs in 1974 after seeing the work of Art Sinsabaugh. I liked how he used a long horizontal frame to create a unique type of wide angle photograph. Sinsabaugh used a huge "banquet" view camera that shot 12" x 20" film. Long ago I tried to buy a camera like this and found it was not possible. Since then, I have tried a variety of approaches to achieve the same effect-including pasting darkroom photographs together, using cameras with manufactured and custom-made masks, working with a variety of panoramic stitching programs, and employing sweep panoramic. I currently work with the panoramic stitching applications Autostitch, Calico and Photomerge, as well as manual stitching in Photoshop and cameras utilizing Sweep Panorama firmware. I created this photograph using a digital mirrorless camera mounted on a tripod with a Really Right Stuff Panoramic head and editing it with Photomerge.

More of my panoramics can be seen at: